Superintendent and School Board Services

The greatness of a man is not how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively. ~ Bob Marley
Assistance with superintendent and principal searches:

NEWESD 101 is available to assist school districts with superintendent  and principal searches. In collaboration with the district superintendent and school board,
Mr. Roettger, Mr. Nelson and Mr. Probert will provide your district with the following:


Rob Roettger
[email protected]

WASA list of position openings

  • Position brochure
  • Application form
  • Advertising on the NEWESD website
  • Review of candidate applications
  • Interview schedule
  • Participation in the interview process
  • Correspondence with candidates

Sample fillable application

DOWNLOAD Sample brochure

Picture of the Colton School District hiring flyer

Are you a new superintendent?

NEWESD will invite you to NEWESD or travel to your district and review the critical elements of district superintendency. New superintendents will receive an overview of the regional meetings associated with the district including NEWASA, sub-regional superintendent meetings, and the state meetings and conferences that may be appropriate. There are general items of interest and a myriad of forms that will be important as you begin your new position.

Required forms
General items of importance

Does your district need help with strategic planning?

This strategic planning process normally takes approximately 6 months, assuming the meetings are a month apart.  There is not a good way to rush through something like this, nor is it usually productive to engage this process without an intended structure, like the one I have described below.  The planning process typically follows the general outline below:

  • Ordinarily, it begins with a committee that includes the superintendent, all or most of the Board members (if it is three or more, these meetings have to be advertised as Board Strategic Plan work sessions), representative staff members, and some representatives from the community.  Ideally districts have to keep the group from becoming too large that it is unwieldy.  Also, people have to commit to the process and the meetings it will take – it is not productive to have people “come and go.”

  • The process begins with the district’s mission statement, if one exists.  The idea behind a strategic plan is bringing MEANING and direction to that mission.

  • In the first meeting the group discusses what each member THINKS it means, and try to come to agreement about what are the two, three or four (NO MORE) basic tenets that would be included in a strategic plan that will ultimately serve to operationalize the district’s mission and path forward.

  • Then, one meeting at a time, the group works on each tenet ONE AT A TIME…bringing back the work to the subsequent meeting.  Members identify how the tenet will be DESCRIBED, AND what needed bullets support it.  This part, then, takes three or four meetings (depending on how many tenets are selected).

  • Then next meeting is to look at and consider a DRAFT that goes out to staff and community to share, at that point gathering any questions or input.

  • And then a final meeting of the strategic planning group – that would then be followed by adoption and approval at the next subsequent Board meeting.

Legislative Resources

TWIO (This week in Olympia)

Legislative contact information (emails, committees, legislative assistants)

Public Disclosure Commission (PDC)

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